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Medicare therapy management and other drug programs

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If you think you take too many medications on a daily basis, you might be right. Taking a long list of pills can be nerve-wracking, especially if they address a variety of interrelated health issues. Discover whether Medication Therapy Management (MTM) offers a solution for managing your complex health issues,…

Medicare Drug Plan finder guide

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Use our quick guide as a tool when comparing Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. This walk-through is designed to help you take advantage of’s drug plan finder. In nine simple steps, you can identify the specific Part D options that: Exist in your area Include your current prescriptions…

Medicare Supplement Costs

How to budget for Medicare expenses

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When it comes to Medicare expenses, budgeting is equally as important as managing the costs you pay. Given that Medicare does not cover everything, setting up a budget will help keep you from running into financial troubles. Read our Medicare budget tips to see how you can manage Medicare expenses…

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Who Pays For Medicare?

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You probably know that Medicare pays for medical expenses, but you may not know how the program continues to receive funds. If you’re on Medicare, you may wonder about Medicare funding. Where does the U.S. government get the money to offer health care for people ages 65 and older? What…

When to start thinking about Medicare before retirement

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First things first: if you’re going to work past the age of 65 and continue employer-sponsored health insurance, be sure to inform Social Security. Failing to do so can result in a premium penalty for the rest of your life. This is not a good thing. While Medicare to those…

Medicare Supplement Insurance

Medicare and the Health Insurance Marketplace

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Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the Health Insurance Marketplace. How does this impact your Medicare coverage, and can you have both? Find out what you need to know about Medicare and the Health Insurance Marketplace. What Is The Health Insurance…

Protect yourself against Medicare Scams & Fraud

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Medicare fraud is a serious issue that affects people across the nation. Falling victim to fraud can be expensive and compromise your health care benefits down the road. Discover the common signs of a Medicare scam, ways to avoid them, and learn how to report a deceitful situation. What Medicare…

Medicare Part A + Part B

What determines Medicare Part B Premium?

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Medicare Part A and Part B provide the exact same benefits for all Medicare beneficiaries throughout the country no matter their age or location. Why is it, then, that premiums for that coverage can vary greatly? High-Income Levels Mean Higher Premiums Higher premium rates apply to individuals who have incomes…

How to appeal a Medicare decision

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With the right Medicare plan and supplements, getting health care coverage should be easy. If you’ve ever had a claim denied, however, you know that Medicare doesn’t always work that smoothly. Find out how to file a Medicare claim and navigate the appeals process successfully. When to File a Medicare…

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Medicare coverage under 65

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“17% of all Medicare beneficiaries are under 65 years old.” -Kaiser Family Foundation According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, almost one in six Medicare-eligible Americans are under age 65. That means that almost eight million Americans have permanent disabilities that enable them to receive Medicare under the age of 65.…

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