Health Articles

Articles, Guides and trends to stay healthy and fit in retirement.

heat stroke in seniors

Heat Stroke Signs and Tips for Prevention: Summer Safety for Seniors

July 1, 2024

With summer temperatures comes higher risk of heat-related illnesses like heat stroke and heat exhaustion, especially for people 65 years old and older. Heat stroke is a condition where internal body temperature reaches above 104 degrees, with symptoms that can cause serious stress to your internal organs. What you may not know is that seniors…

smiling older man in gym with towel around shoulders

The Senior Fitness Test: Building Power As We Age

February 22, 2024

If you’ve ever wondered if difficulty rising from a couch or shortness of breath after a walk to the mailbox means you lack fitness, there’s a simple test – the Senior Fitness Test – that can tell you.  Many older adults are deficient in an important aspect of wellness experts call “power,” referring to the…

woman working out with dumbells in home gym for seniors

How To Build The Best Home Gym For Seniors

February 22, 2024

If it’s true that investing in one’s health is money spent wisely, then a well-equipped home gym for seniors must be a smart investment and a great value. Regular exercise – at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week – confers multiple physical and mental benefits on older adults, including brain, cardio-pulmonary, and muscle…

new year's resolutions

10 Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

December 27, 2023

Making New Year’s Resolutions is as traditional as eggnog and watching the ball drop in Times Square, a time for new beginnings and setting positive goals. Studies show that only a small percentage of people (just eight percent) actually stick to their resolutions throughout the year. Even if you fall off the path, it’s never…

health benefits of meditation

The Many Health Benefits of Meditation

August 24, 2022

What if someone told you they had a pill that would reduce stress, improve mood, increase energy, make you more creative, increase patience, and extend your life? Would you take it? The effects listed are the tip of the iceberg of the health benefits of meditation for older adults.  Let’s take a closer look at…

The Negative Effects of Stress

The Negative Effects of Stress

August 18, 2022

Stress is a commonly discussed topic, so most people know it doesn’t do the body any favors. However, it can be hard to understand what qualifies as stress and precisely what you’re supposed to do to combat it. This is important because the negative effects of stress are profound. In this article, we’ll unpack what…

Social Lives & Senior Health

How Social Lives Affect Senior Health

July 25, 2022

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have said that loneliness is linked to serious health conditions. What’s most surprising is how much these issues affect older adults. In fact, a recent study found that more than one-fourth of adults aged 65 or older are socially isolated.1 That’s because they commonly find themselves living…

Health benefits of massages

Health benefits of massages

July 18, 2022

Getting a massage is often thought of as nothing more than a luxury. While it’s ok to spoil yourself occasionally, you might find it difficult to justify the expense of a massage on a regular basis. If that’s the case, we have news for you — massages are actually good for your health! Sometimes they…

National Insurance Awareness Day

National Insurance Awareness Day

June 27, 2022

One of our favorite holidays of the year is here: National Insurance Awareness Day! We’re sure you’re already aware of insurance, but we want to help you understand insurance better — specifically health insurance. Because health insurance in the U.S. is largely tied to employers, many people go their entire lives without ever truly shopping…

Men's Health Week

Celebrate National Men’s Health Week

June 13, 2022

Each year, the week leading up to Fathers’ Day marks National Men’s Health Week. So let’s talk about men’s health and how you can keep it in focus not just this week, but every week! Men’s health is so much more than a yearly physical and the occasional trip to the gym. In fact, there…