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Where to start: Yoga for seniors

Where to start: Yoga for Seniors

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While the traditional image of someone who practices yoga may be a young person with long limbs and innate flexibility, yoga can be tailored to any body type and age. In fact, most seniors have the ability to do every yoga pose, from restorative child’s pose to even the most…

senior travel discounts

Surprising Senior Travel Discounts (2024 Update)

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If you worked with a UMA agent to save money on your Medigap plan, you might be planning a vacation with that extra cash. But did you know that you may be missing out on a variety of additional senior travel deals? Our team is dedicated to saving you money…

5 common estate planning mistakes

5 common estate planning mistakes

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Whether or not you’ve taken the time to plan your estate, you still have one. An estate is everything you own, including your car, home, life insurance, furniture, and investments. What is estate planning? Estate planning involves deciding what will happen to your estate when you pass away: who receives…

Seniors & Allergies: How seasonal allergies affect adults 65+

Seniors & Allergies: How seasonal allergies affect adults 65+

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Spring is here — and that means pesky seasonal allergies are too. According to the CDC, every year more than 50 million Americans experience allergies, which are the sixth-leading cause of chronic illness in the nation. And in seniors, allergies pose a more significant risk; seasonal pollens can further aggravate…

Medicare Plan G Cost

Top 3 financial challenges facing seniors

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Retirement should be a time of comfort and relaxation — and maybe one or two tropical vacations. But many retiring seniors find themselves in a place of fiscal hardship, either due to poor financial planning or rising federal costs, that cause unwanted stress and difficulties. “Millions of Americans retire every…

Medication non-adherence: Tips to stay on schedule

Medication Non-Adherence: Tips to Stay on Schedule

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Sticking to a regular medication schedule is difficult for everyone. Busy schedules and changing routines make it easy to skip these seemingly minor tasks. But for people with serious conditions, including recovering from an injury or managing a chronic illness, maintaining that schedule is critical. When a patient takes less…

Diabetes: Finding an insurance plan

Finding a Medicare Insurance Plan for Diabetes

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Today, the American Diabetes Association estimates that nearly 30 million people in the United States have diabetes. Specifically for older adults, around 25% of seniors (or about 12 million people) have diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The World Health Organization expects diabetes to be the seventh leading…

The Switch: Shopping trends in Medicare’s AEP

The Switch: Shopping trends in Medicare’s 2018 Annual Enrollment Period

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As your trusted Medicare advisors, we stay up to date with trends to give you reliable information and provide clear guidance through Medicare. Using recent Deft Research data on Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period, Lauren Guinta, vice president of sales at UMA, found some noteworthy trends regarding the current state of…

Aging and dietary changes

Aging and dietary changes in Seniors

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As we age, our dietary needs change. The foods that make up a healthy diet of a younger individual may not work as well for older adults and vice versa. By remaining up-to-date with trends and research, seniors can get ahead of the curve and stay healthy for years to…

Age in place: Prevent in-home falls

Age in place: Prevent in-home falls

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According to, average costs for long-term care is growing; for a semi-private room in a nursing home, seniors and their families should expect to pay an average of $6,844 per month. For a private room, that number jumps to $7,698. To mitigate these high costs, many seniors choose the…

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