Health Articles

Articles, Guides and trends to stay healthy and fit in retirement.

Where to start: Yoga for seniors

Where to start: Yoga for Seniors

November 14, 2019

While the traditional image of someone who practices yoga may be a young person with long limbs and innate flexibility, yoga can be tailored to any body type and age. In fact, most seniors have the ability to do every yoga pose, from restorative child’s pose to even the most challenging headstand — all it…

Seniors & Allergies: How seasonal allergies affect adults 65+

Seniors & Allergies: How seasonal allergies affect adults 65+

September 20, 2019

Spring is here — and that means pesky seasonal allergies are too. According to the CDC, every year more than 50 million Americans experience allergies, which are the sixth-leading cause of chronic illness in the nation. And in seniors, allergies pose a more significant risk; seasonal pollens can further aggravate existing heart conditions and other…

Medication non-adherence: Tips to stay on schedule

Medication Non-Adherence: Tips to Stay on Schedule

August 15, 2019

Sticking to a regular medication schedule is difficult for everyone. Busy schedules and changing routines make it easy to skip these seemingly minor tasks. But for people with serious conditions, including recovering from an injury or managing a chronic illness, maintaining that schedule is critical. When a patient takes less than 80% of their prescribed…

Aging and dietary changes

Aging and dietary changes in Seniors

July 12, 2019

As we age, our dietary needs change. The foods that make up a healthy diet of a younger individual may not work as well for older adults and vice versa. By remaining up-to-date with trends and research, seniors can get ahead of the curve and stay healthy for years to come. Here are a few…

Age in place: Prevent in-home falls

Age in place: Prevent in-home falls

June 4, 2019

According to, average costs for long-term care is growing; for a semi-private room in a nursing home, seniors and their families should expect to pay an average of $6,844 per month. For a private room, that number jumps to $7,698. To mitigate these high costs, many seniors choose the option to age-in-place. Aging in…