Tips for Learning a New Language in Retirement

Mature students learning a new language with an instructor in a classroom

Retirement presents the perfect opportunity for trying new things you didn’t have time for before. Traveling to places you’ve always wanted to visit, taking up a new hobby, or even switching your wardrobe are all fun ways to broaden your horizons in this new stage of life. If you’re looking for a mentally stimulating, accessible…

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Birdwatching for Beginners: What You Need to Know to Get Started

Older Asian man holding binoculars outside, getting started birdwatching for beginners

Now that you’re retired, you probably have more free time on your hands than you’re used to. The time you used to spend working — or thinking about work — can now be dedicated to other hobbies that help you lead a fulfilling life. One hobby growing in popularity in the U.S. is birdwatching. Over…

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Tours and Tips for Seniors Traveling on a Budget

Group of women on one of several senior tours take a self-portrait on a platform waiting for a train to travel

After all your years of hard work, you deserve to enjoy your retirement. No more worrying about deadlines and deliverables — now is the time to make the most of your free time and do things just for you. This is why so many retirees take up traveling as a hobby.  Some studies show that…

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New Year, New You: Discovering New Hobbies in 2025


Retirement is a time for relaxation, but it’s also the perfect opportunity to explore new passions and interests. Did you know that studies show seniors with hobbies report higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction? If you’re looking to add something new to your life, why not try a new hobby in the new year?…

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Social Security and Medicare: How They Work & Coordinating Benefits

Two Social Security cards laying over a sheet of paper of retirement income, Social Security and Medicare work together to support you in retirement

Have questions about Social Security and Medicare? Though they differ in benefits and eligibility, these two programs work together to provide you with financial security and healthcare coverage in your retirement years.

Here’s what you need to know about both programs, including eligibility, benefits and costs, and how you coordinate them.

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6 Paid and Free Online Classes for Seniors

Mature woman, taking notes during a free online course on her tablet

Retirement can be the perfect time to explore new passions and challenge yourself with novel ideas — and with the rise of online learning platforms, there are more opportunities than ever to do just that.  Engaging in lifelong learning isn’t just about the skills or topics you learn; there are multiple benefits of learning itself.…

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Your Yard and Garden To-Do List Before Fall

lawn and garden prep for fall

As the hottest days of summer begin to wind down, you might find yourself with a little extra time on your hands now that you’re retired. It’s the perfect opportunity to turn your attention to your lawn and garden, ensuring they remain vibrant throughout the fall and winter. With a few simple fall yard prep…

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Tax Tips For Seniors: 5 Things You Must Know

What Adults 65+ Need to Know About Taxes

Whether you’re retired or still working, here are 5 must-know tax tips for seniors: 5. Utilize the 1040-SR Tax Form Traditional tax forms use tiny print that’s a strain on the eyes. Fortunately, people over 65 can take advantage of a new tax filing form that’s much easier to read. This two-page form is called…

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Celebrating the Baby Boomer Generation

Baby Boomer

Get out your party hats! Baby Boomer Recognition Day is August 17th. This event is an opportunity to celebrate a generation of people worthy of being honored. Baby Boomers, or colloquially ‘boomers,’ have witnessed massive events globally and have had a tremendous influence on the world. In the spirit of recognizing these folks,  let’s peruse…

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Celebrate American Adventures Month

American Adventures Month

How do you define “adventure”? Many people think adventures must be heart-pounding extreme experiences, like skiing, skydiving, or rock climbing. But at United Medicare Advisors, we think that “adventure” can be anything out of your ordinary day-to-day life. Trying a new cuisine is an adventure. Visiting a new park is an adventure. Even taking the…

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5 Fundamentals for Retirement Readiness

Retirement Readiness

Aegon and the Transamerica Institute® sponsored a survey that aims to understand how people are preparing for retirement, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic altered so many peoples’ plans. As part of their report, they shared what they call the 5 Fundamentals of Retirement Readiness. These five tips provide a solid foundation for retirement planning, and…

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Presidents and Medicare

Medicare was signed into law in 1965, but it took many years and many presidents’ work to make it happen. Let’s take a look at all the Commanders in Chief who helped build the program through proposals and legislation over the years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). President Theodore Roosevelt…

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Valentine’s Day Ideas for Retirees


You might think that Valentine’s Day is reserved for couples and kids, but you’d be wrong! There are plenty of things you can do to celebrate (or avoid) the day. Retirees, especially, have extra time to do as they please. Spread the love to your partner, friends, family, or simply yourself! About Valentine’s Day Saint…

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Set Up For Success: Make Your Space Match Your Lifestyle

Set Up For Success: Make Your Space Match Your Lifestyle

Many people spend years working hard and planning for their ideal retirement activities, whether it’ll include traveling, gardening, reading books, knitting, socializing, exercising, or something else. While most people plan for the financial elements of post-retirement life, they often overlook the psychological elements. A sudden change in a long-followed routine can be overwhelming for many…

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Retirement Statistics 2022

new year's resolutions

In 2022, Social Security benefits see an increase of 5.9% (the largest since 1983) thanks to the cost of living adjustment, or COLA. 25% of Americans increased their financial savings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The average retirement age in the U.S. is 66.85. The retirement age is lowest in Alaska and West…

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Holiday gift ideas for grandchildren

Holiday gift ideas for grandchildren

Are you retired and living on a fixed budget? The holidays can stretch finances to the max. While you may feel tempted to overspend on that bright shiny toy for your grandchild, there are plenty of budget-friendly holiday gifts you can give to ensure you don’t go in the red (unless you’re actually wearing red).…

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31 Holiday activities for the whole family

Holiday Activities

It’s that time of year again! As the weather gets colder, TV commercials start advertising the same thing: Holiday Season! Many people are lucky to have extra family time in November and December. Looking for some inexpensive holiday activities for the whole family? Here are some ideas! Pass down family recipes Build your own decorations…

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21 things to do when you retire

21 things to do when you retire

Considering retirement? Congratulations! There are endless ways you can spend your golden years. As you begin to make your plans, be sure your budget accounts for all those surprise costs when the unexpected happens. Or, if you’d rather opt out of surprises when it comes to your health care expenses, consider purchasing a Medicare Supplement…

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What to Expect to Pay for Healthcare in Retirement

What to expect to pay for healthcare in retirement

Medicare covers about two-thirds of your healthcare costs, however the program is not free for its more than 60 million beneficiaries. To cover premiums and out-of-pocket prescription drug costs after age 65, experts estimate men will spend $130,000 and women should plan to spend $146,000. By understanding this, you can better plan for your healthcare…

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Seniors & student loan debt: A growing crisis

Seniors & student loan debt: A growing crisis

As you head into retirement, you may be considering beach vacations and days spent doing what you love. But many seniors have another reality: heaps of student debt. Over the last 10 years, the number of seniors with outstanding student loans has quadrupled — from 700,000 in 2005 to 2.8 million in 2015. In 2015,…

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Easing Into Retirement: Your Complete Planning Guide

Comparing Medicare Insurance Made Easy! These tips & strategies will help you find the best plan for your needs and budget. Do you know which plans have networks and which don’t? How about which plans are guaranteed for life? What’s in this eBook? Which plan is the best deal for the money? Is there such…

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Understanding IRA minimum withdrawal rules

Understanding IRA minimum withdrawal rules

Did you know: Once you turn 70 ½, you are required to make your first minimum withdraw from your traditional IRA. Even if you don’t need your savings for living expenses, you are still required by law to start taking out required minimum distributions (RMDs) by the following April 1 after you turn 70 ½.…

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Surprising Senior Travel Discounts (2024 Update)

senior travel discounts

If you worked with a UMA agent to save money on your Medigap plan, you might be planning a vacation with that extra cash. But did you know that you may be missing out on a variety of additional senior travel deals? Our team is dedicated to saving you money — and not just on…

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5 common estate planning mistakes

5 common estate planning mistakes

Whether or not you’ve taken the time to plan your estate, you still have one. An estate is everything you own, including your car, home, life insurance, furniture, and investments. What is estate planning? Estate planning involves deciding what will happen to your estate when you pass away: who receives what and when they receive…

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Top 3 financial challenges facing seniors

Medicare Plan G Cost

Retirement should be a time of comfort and relaxation — and maybe one or two tropical vacations. But many retiring seniors find themselves in a place of fiscal hardship, either due to poor financial planning or rising federal costs, that cause unwanted stress and difficulties. “Millions of Americans retire every year without first seeking financial…

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Top travel tips for seniors

Top travel tips for seniors

Whether it’s a bucket-list trip to visit the Eiffel Tower or a cross-country road trip to see family, seniors are traveling more than any generation before them. But unfortunately, like many others across the nation—51 percent of seniors find booking travel to be difficult and oftentimes overwhelming. Below are our top tips to make reserving…

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