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Medicare Supplement Costs

Medicare Supplement Costs

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Comparing the costs of Medicare Supplement plans Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Medigap, helps reduce some of the costs and expenses of healthcare that would other-wise be paid out-of-pocket (like coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles). Before you decide if a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan is right for you, you should understand what…

Do I Have to Sign Up for Medicare If I have Private Insurance?

Do I Have to Sign Up for Medicare If I have Private Insurance?

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Are you of Medicare age, but not ready to retire from your career? This is a common scenario for many people who are aging into Medicare. While most people should enroll in Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) when they’re first eligible, you may be able to delay Part B (Medical…

Does Medicare Cover Prescriptions?

Does Medicare Cover Prescriptions?

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Finding a health care plan that will cover your prescriptions is a key factor in preparing for retirement. Medicare prescription drug plans (Part D) cover a wide variety of prescriptions, including drugs in certain protected classes, those that treat cancer, and those that treat HIV/AIDs. Each Part D plan has…

When Does Medicare Coverage Start?

When Does Medicare Coverage Start?

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While there are some instances where Medicare coverage can start earlier, the majority of Americans become eligible at age 65. Medicare enrollment starts with your Initial Enrollment Period, or IEP. This is the seven-month period around your 65th birthday. You can start the enrollment process three months before you turn…

Do All Hospitals Accept Medicare?

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Not all hospitals accept Medicare, but luckily, the vast majority of hospitals do. Generally, the hospitals that do not accept Medicare are Veterans Affairs and active military hospitals (they operate with VA and military benefits instead), though there are a few other exceptions nationwide. Hospitals near me that accept Medicare…

What’s next for Medicare?

What’s next for Medicare? Big changes happening in 2023

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Your roadmap to Medicare coverage in the new year, compliments of United Medicare Advisors Are you one of the 300,000 Americans who will enroll in Medicare during Open Enrollment? If you are already enrolled, are you sure your plan is the best one for you? Medicare coverage and pricing change…

Does Medicare cover the COVID-19 vaccine?

Does Medicare cover the COVID-19 vaccine?

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When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine, the questions on everyone’s minds are, “How can I get one?” and “How much will it cost?” For Medicare beneficiaries, many of whom are considered to be at greater risk for serious illness when exposed to the virus, quick access to the vaccine…

Diabetes: Finding an insurance plan

What does Medicare cover for Diabetics?

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Diabetes is one of the largest health risks for Americans, affecting more than 10% of the country’s population. According to the CDC, 25% of adults 65 and older have diabetes, which means that coverage for insulin and diabetic testing supplies is a top consideration for many adults shopping for Medicare.…

Medicare and COVID-19 resource guide

Medicare and COVID-19 resource-guide

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After a national emergency was declared on March 13, 2020 in response to the novel Coronavirus, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded the coverage and services available to all Medicare beneficiaries. The FAQs below highlight these new services including virtual access to care, offer tips to stay…

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a month dedicated to education about the most common type of cancer found in women. Women over age 60 represent nearly half of new breast cancer cases, with an additional 20% of cases affecting women over the age of 70. Medicare now covers certain…

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