Medicare Plans Articles

Articles, guides and FAQs on Medicare plans, such as Medigap, Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans

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2021 Medicare

Understanding the Difference Between Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment vs. Guaranteed Issue

December 12, 2019

Whether you’ve already decided on a Medicare Supplement insurance policy or you’re still weighing your options, you have to purchase your plan at the right time. Learn everything you need to know about Medicare Supplement user rights, and discover the key differences between Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment vs. Guaranteed Issue. Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Every…

cartoon of man drinking cover next to prescription drug containters

How to avoid the Medicare Part D penalty

December 12, 2019

When you hear about Medicare penalties, there are two relevant Medicare programs that may come to mind: Medicare Part B and Medicare Part D. You may have known that enrolling late yields higher costs, but in certain cases, they can be permanent. In the case of Part D, there is a monthly penalty that can…

Medicare Part D: Prescription Drug Plans

December 9, 2019

Medicare Part D basics Original Medicare does not cover or subsidize the cost of prescription drugs. Medicare Part D, also called Prescription Drug Plans or “PDP”, is a Medicare program designed to help seniors finance the rising costs of prescription drugs and premiums. What it covers Medicare Part D encompasses a variety of drug plans…

Medicare Part C: Medicare Advantage

December 5, 2019

Medicare Advantage basics In general, people have two options for core Medicare benefits: Original Medicare (often supplemented with a Medicare Supplement plan) or Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage plans, also called Medicare Part C or “MA plans”, are considered to be all-in-one health care insurance solutions. What it covers Medicare Advantage plans, which are offered by…

Medicare Supplement

December 5, 2019

Medicare Supplement Insurance basics Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) covers most, but not all, of the health care costs you may face. Medicare Supplement Insurance, also called “Medigap”, helps fill the “gaps” in coverage to mitigate costs and offers Medicare beneficiaries peace of mind. What Medicare Supplement Plans cover Medicare Supplement plans work…

cartoon of man drinking cover next to prescription drug containters

Medicare Part D: Prescription Drug Savings

December 5, 2019

One of the biggest concerns that customers have when negotiating their health insurance options is the cost of prescription drugs. They are constantly trying to learn about prescription drug savings so that their medication is less of a financial burden on their lives. It’s no surprise that people want to reduce their drug costs given…

How are Medigap Premiums calculated? 7 Quick Facts

December 5, 2019

While Medicare Advantage prices do not tend to vary from person to person, there can be significant variation in the monthly premiums for Medicare Supplement plans. Read on to understand some of the factors that can impact the price you’ll pay for a Medicare Supplement plan. 1. Your age Age plays a significant role in…

Medigap Underwriting Basics: Discussion Guide

December 5, 2019

You are a Medicare recipient and are outside of your Medigap Open Enrollment Period (the first six months of being 65 AND having Part B of Medicare), and you either have no additional policy, a Medicare Advantage program, or a Medicare Supplement plan. You want to change your plan or at least shop around for…

5 reasons Medicare Plan F is popular among baby boomers

December 5, 2019

When it comes to Medicare Supplement Insurance coverage, one plan option is considered the most popular. In fact, two-thirds of Medicare enrollees who purchase a Medigap plan opt for Plan F. Discover the benefits of Medigap Plan F and why this policy is so popular among baby boomers. 1. Medicare Plan F includes most deductibles,…

What does Medigap cover

Medicare Supplement Plans Comparison Chart

December 5, 2019

Medicare Supplement (Medigap) comparison charts provide a convenient way to compare the benefits these health care plans provide. However, many Americans don’t know how to use them correctly. This step-by-step guide will help you compare Medicare Supplement plans correctly and find the best plan for your needs. Understand the Layout of Medicare Supplement Plans Comparison…