Celebrate American Adventures Month

How do you define “adventure”?

Many people think adventures must be heart-pounding extreme experiences, like skiing, skydiving, or rock climbing. But at United Medicare Advisors, we think that “adventure” can be anything out of your ordinary day-to-day life.

Trying a new cuisine is an adventure.

Visiting a new park is an adventure.

Even taking the long way home, down a road you’ve never gone before, can be an adventure!

Celebrate American Adventures Month

American adventurer Peter Kulkkula founded American Adventures Month to promote travel within North, Central, and South Americas. He wanted to showcase the diversity and beauty of the landscapes and ecosystems in the western hemisphere. If you’re able to take a trip domestically or to a nearby country, this is the perfect month to do it!  

There are plenty of National Parks that preserve our country’s natural beauty. Take a road trip to one and see what you’ll find! Each state has its own park program that highlights important features on a more local level.

At-home Adventures

For those that cannot presently make a journey, there are plenty of adventures you can have at home! Take your tastebuds to a new place by trying a new cuisine or experimenting with different spices. Be sure to visit your local farmers’ market to get the freshest ingredients.

Support the arts in your community by going to see a play, recital, musical, or similar at a theater you’ve never visited. Give yourself bonus points by choosing a subject that you normally wouldn’t choose.

Look up classes at your local community college and see if you can learn a new skill. Never played an instrument? Take piano lessons! Not good with computers? Take a course on the basics. Want to learn a different language? Find an instructor near you!

Adventures come in all shapes and sizes. Find something out of the ordinary and go on an adventure today! Trying something new could lead to a new hobby, favorite activity, and friends.

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