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Understanding your Annual Notice of Change (ANOC)

Understanding your Medicare Annual Notice of Change (ANOC)

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Each year in September, anyone enrolled in a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug (Part D) plan receives an Annual Notice of Change (ANOC). While you may be tempted to toss it with your other junk mail, this is an important piece of information you should review. The ANOC is sent…

Seven questions to ask before Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period

Seven questions to ask before Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period

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United Medicare Advisors helps you compare Medicare Supplement Insurance plans over 20 carriers to find benefits that work for your needs and budget. Our team of Licensed Insurance Advisors, along with our numerous online resources are your personal Medicare resource to help explain everything. Our goal is to be your…

What to expect to pay for healthcare in retirement

What to Expect to Pay for Healthcare in Retirement

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Medicare covers about two-thirds of your healthcare costs, however the program is not free for its more than 60 million beneficiaries. To cover premiums and out-of-pocket prescription drug costs after age 65, experts estimate men will spend $130,000 and women should plan to spend $146,000. By understanding this, you can…

A Look at Men’s Health Over 65

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Strategies for Men over 65 to understand health risks and stay healthy Numerous studies have shown that men avoid visiting their doctor and often ignore health issues. As we age these seemingly small issues that were previously overlooked start taking a toll. Understanding how aging affects your body can offer…

Boomer health care: A mix of digital & personal

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As more and more boomers age into Medicare, the landscape is adapting to a newer generation of high-tech and exceedingly knowledgeable seniors. Now more than ever, people are using the internet to scout health care options—ultimately changing the industry along the way. According to Statista, out of Americans 50 years…

The Complete Guide to Medicare Part D

The Complete Guide to Medicare Part D

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If you feel Medicare Part D is complex, you’re not alone. There is a lot to consider when looking at your options, from plan choices to plan ratings and drug tiers. If you’re struggling to find a plan or simply feel it’s time to evaluate your options, this guide will…

Recognizing and Dealing with Stress for Adults 65+

Recognizing and Dealing with Stress for Adults Over 65

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Stress is fact of life. At some point, we all experience challenges. And while experience can help us be better prepared when a difficult situation arises — our ability to respond and recover have some surprising connections to our age. How stress affects the body A strong emotional response is…

How to Protect Yourself from Airborne Viruses

How to Protect Yourself from Airborne Viruses

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As we age, our immune systems have a harder time recognizing and mobilizing against viruses. This is especially true for adults over 50. In fact, more than half the people hospitalized for influenza-related illnesses are 65 and older. While nothing can guarantee we won’t get sick, there are some simple…

Will Medicare Cover My Dental, Vision, and Hearing Needs?

Will Medicare Cover My Dental, Vision, and Hearing Needs?

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Original Medicare Does Not Cover Basic Services for Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Did you know that Original Medicare doesn’t include routine dental, vision, or hearing care? Just as some employers ask employees to elect dental or vision coverage as a separate line item, Original Medicare works in a similar way.…

Seniors & student loan debt: A growing crisis

Seniors & student loan debt: A growing crisis

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As you head into retirement, you may be considering beach vacations and days spent doing what you love. But many seniors have another reality: heaps of student debt. Over the last 10 years, the number of seniors with outstanding student loans has quadrupled — from 700,000 in 2005 to 2.8…

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